Friday, January 16, 2009

My Daughter, My Heart

My calling in life is truely being a mother. My daughter, Ashlyn is the light of my life. She is my inspiration to be the very best I can be. She makes me want to reach my goals and pushes me to make every day great. I love her with all my heart.

The day I found out I was going to be a mother was the scariest day of my life. I thought I wouldn't be very good at it, thought I was too selfish, and thought I wasn't ready for such a big change in my life. Boy was I ever so wrong! I am amazing at this wonderful job. (Not to brag) I play, read, rock, sing, and do all of those motherly things that I once made fun of people for doing and I do most of these things on my own.

My husband left us when she was only 3 months old, and at first I thought my world was coming to an end. I now realize it was just begininng. I luckily have wonderful parents who live close. They are amazing people and helped me by allowing us to move in with them until I can sale my house and really get back on my feet. The only problem now, they are so attached to my little lady bug that they tell me I can move out later but she has to stay. Haha, not happening!

I start back to school next week and have a little bit of anxiety about it, but I know I'll be just fine. All I have to think about is setting an example for Ashlyn. I want her to be her very best. I want her to achieve goals for herself and not to let others, especially boys, influence her decisions. I hope I will be able to set those examples for her.

Well, I'm new at this blog stuff so I think I'll try again later! Tell me how I'm doing.


  1. I am so excited you are blogging. I can't wait to see what you have to write about. You are a wonderful mom! I am so proud of you. I always knew you would be! love you!

  2. I am glad to know through Christy that you have a blog:). I love the picture of you two it is really cute!

  3. Hi Stacey,

    You are a wonderful writer. Your heart speaks so clearly on your blog, thank you for sharing. The picture of you and Ashlyn is absolutely adorable!

